Our Testimonials
Kind Words from Our Customers
Pistachio (Pebbles)
We wanted to send an update on Pebbles (formally Pistachio). Yesterday was her first birthday and she’s still thriving! We’ve even taught her how to count to six! It’s nice to see her brother, Professor, on your website too! They…
Kaytee (Gretchen)
We just wanted to give a quick update on Gretchen (formerly Kaytee). She is getting so big…already 14 lbs! She has developed quite the personality and is such a delight to have around. She’s been very quick to learn house…
Gelinota (Maci)
Gelinota, now Maci, is doing amazingly well! She adjusted just fine…from the moment we picked her up, she has just settled right into the family. She never seemed nervous or anxious, and she has slept through the night without making…
American (Bryton)
Words cannot express how happy and blessed we are with Bryton. You all produce wonderful companions. We got married on 8/2/15 and had Bryton come to the wedding. Wanted to share this picture with you all. Hope all is well!…
Paris (Bessie)
…..She is such a great dog and so full of energy and fun. Thanks so much. ~ Thomas W
He is incredible! From the moment I took him from your arms at the airport this dog has been such a good sport. I flew with him in-cabin (under the seat) and he was as good as gold. He never…
Romantic (Charly)
We’ve changed her name to Charly. She’s wonderful! She is potty training quite nicely and is very smart. She already occasionally rings the bell to let us know she needs to go outside. Amazing! She’s adjusted well to the family…
Krisha (Ruffles)
Thank you so much for such a wonderful puppy! We changed Krisha’s name to Ruffles – She doesn’t seem to mind but we are having a hard time remembering 😉 lol She is lively and energetic – way more active…
Georgette (GiGi)
Just wanted to share an update on GiGi (formerly Georgette). She is such an awesome dog. She is soooo smart. She has trained easily with the bell to go outside and has had very few accidents. She now just goes…
Kandy (Margo)
Kandy now Margo has been a WONDERFUL addition to our family! We couldn’t be happier. Margo has such a great personality, fun, loving, goofy and energetic. Our two girls just love her. Margo is fully house trained. We started in…
Grandeur (Ginder)
Thought I would send you some updated photos of Grandeur, which is now named “GINGER” Puppy is doing well and we have self trained it a lot. She is house broken, sits, stays shakes hands, and much more. loves her…
Patience (Sadie Rae)
Little Patience is now sweet Sadie Rae (and not so little!). She’s adapting well to life in GA and will soon be relocating with me to New York where she will have her own personal yard in the city of…
Jessica (LuLu)
Jessica ( now LuLu) is doing wonderful. She is such a sweet puppy that loves to cuddle. We are so in love with her. Potty training is going good, we’ve had a couple accidents of peeing in the house, but…
Josefine (Ebony)
I hope you are all in good health. I would like to touch base with you regarding Ebony. What a wonderful puppy she is! We couldn’t be more fortunate! She is such a good dog, Ebony really made a wonderful…
Angela (Charley)
Hello Shrock Family!! I am so sorry that I am just now getting an update to you on Angela (Prince + Autumn – Nov 2013). We named her “Charley” and though it confuses people quite often, the name fits her…
Rubin (Redington)
We thank you all so much for checking in on us! ‘Rubin’ who we now call ‘Red’ (Redington) is doing very well so far. We took him to the vet for a puppy check up and to schedule booster shots,…
Galaxy (Rory)
I wanted to give you an update on our pup, Rory (formerly Galaxy), born in March 2013. Rory is a very sociable and happy dog. At the dog park, everyone loves her! There isn’t a dog or human that Rory…
Phoenix (Remington)
I just thought I would give you another quick update on Remington ( aka phoenix). We went into the vet today to get his last set of shots and everything still checked out good. Several weeks ago he did test…
Radio (Goldie)
Hello Joseph, I hope you and your family are doing well. I can’t believe our Goldie is 5 months old! It seems like just yesterday that I was calling you from Indiana, nervous that I had a male dog:) She’s…
Hello! I just had to share some photos with you of Garland’s first winter…he LOVES the snow!! ~ Shannon P
Zephyr (Gracie Lee)
Zephyr, now “Gracie” had her first trip to the groomer today and she looks so beautiful I had to share her photo. She is turning out to be a very lovely girl at just over 5 months old. She continues…
Robbie (Walter)
Dear Shrock Family, We wanted to give you all an update on Robbie, now named Walter, and send a special thank you from the Johnsens’. Walter is doing fantastic! He is a very healthy and happy pup full of positive…
Llewelyn (Oliver Walter)
He is a wonderful and loving family member, full of energy and wants to be in our laps if at all possible. Best adaption possible, God sure blessed us with him. We have name him Oliver Walter and we just…
Ruthanne (Sophie)
Hi Joseph! This is Tiffany H., Stoney’s daughter. We named “Ruthann” Sophie!!! She is the sweetest, most loving, craziest thing! She was potty trained (mostly) within 2 weeks. She was definitely the easiest dog I have ever trained. I have…
Cameron (Finnley)
We wanted to take a minute to send you an update on Cameron, now Finnley Duffy. He has been the most amazing addition to our little family, even more than we could have ever imagined. His temperament is amazing and…
America (Raleigh)
Good evening, Raleigh (new name for America) is doing awesome! She is such a fun little puppy with an awesome personality. The potty training is going alright, we are teaching her to ring bells to let us know that she needs…
Almanzo (Cody)
Hello. Hope all is well with you and the family. Wanted to update you with a recent picture of our pride and joy. As you can see Almonzo (Cody) looks so much like his dad prince. He is now 7…
Katie (Jade)
Thank you so much for following up and asking about Katie. We decided to change her name to Jade. Jade has been such a joy to have in our home. She is a very lovable, active and playful puppy that…
Carter (Benny)
He is doing great! We re-named him Benny. He is just the sweetest puppy, and he is so smart!! You can only fool him once. He is like a dream puppy! House training has been almost too easy! Thank you…
Hello, So glad to hear from you. Jewel is the best dog that anyone could ever wish for. She is completely potty trained and very smart. I have had many different breeds of dogs, but none of them compares to…