Our Testimonials
Kind Words from Our Customers
She is doing great and is getting so big! We just love her so much and are so thankful we found her and she found us. Maybe we can get her someone to play with very soon 😉 Thanks!!!! ~ Matthew W
Wanted to update you on Balto, it’s been awhile! Balto is now ten months old- he is HUGE, 100+ pounds and 29 inches tall at withers. We love him so very much; he is a perfect combination of Rollo and…
I hope this email finds you both well. It has been a while since I was last in contact with you, but I just wanted to share with you that Yogi (formerly Samson) has brought so much love to us. We…
If I calculate correctly, she’s 16 weeks old today. She’s an energetic, sweet, fun loving girl! We love 💕 her. ~Cheryl H. Jun 30, 2020 Hello Shrock family, MADI is doing so well! She has adjusted to our home incredibly…
Hooper is fitting in so well
We ended up naming Hooper, Moose! 🤣 He is fitting in so well with our family and we can’t believe how much he’s grown in the last two weeks. The boys can’t get enough of him. Potty training is going…
He’s doing great!! We adore Kurtis! He’s so loving and playful. Potty training is going very well! I’ve been meaning to get him registered! I’ll do that this week. He went on his first boat ride this weekend 🙂 ~ Sarah Jane…
Sylvester is now named Cody:) Cody is doing fine, he is an energetic and fun-loving puppy. He has gained around 10 pounds since we brought him home and the vet said he is doing great. Except for a couple of…
Kellison is doing wonderful
Hi! He is doing wonderful! He’s the sweetest little guy and has taken to our family and the kids with no problems at all! He is so attentive and very eager to please. We are smitten with him! Potty training…
Shephard (Yoda Sherlock)
Hello, Schrock Family! Shephard, whom we call Yoda Sherlock, is adjusting well. He is totally spoiled and we are loving every minute of it. ….He has loads of fun energy in between his lengthy naps and is already growing by…
Mallet (Benny)
Hi Heidi Benny (Mallet) is adjusting very well, very smart puppy, potty trained i will say 75%, we are very happy to have him…. Sincerely ~ Adel H
Harlie (Tuxedo Ripley)
Thanks for checking in Joseph! Harlie is doing great. He’s such a sweet puppy. The whole family loves him already. We renamed him Tuxedo Ripley ~ Natalie K.
Mayia is a very social puppy
Thanks for checking in! Mayia (now Ellie) is doing great adjusting to her new home! She only cried for about 3 minutes in the car when we picked her up and after that she felt right at home. She’s a…
Brady is settling in well!
Brady is settling in well! He’s learned how to go up and down our four porch stairs and now won’t let me carry him up or down. He immediately did really well with the “sit” command and is getting better…
Mara (Mercia)
Hello! Mara (Mercia) is doing so well! Potty training is not quite there but we are working on it! We tried to use the bells but it doesn’t seem to be clicking. She does fine if we take her out…
Good Morning! He is doing great and we are loving the addition to our family. He seems to have adjusted well so far. We have tried to be consistent with the potty training as well as the crate training and…
Kensington (Maxie)
Thanks for reaching out! Everything is going great with Maxi. He is getting bigger and staying healthy. We already registered him, thanks for the reminder. Hope everything is going well with all of you. Regards, Luis C.
Everything is going well. She has been registered online for her microchip and ckc! Next is the first vet visit next week. The potty training is definitely a work in progress, but we are learning slowly. We are so happy with her, thank you…
Hi! Things are going well- she is so sweet! Potty training is… going! We’re making small steps each day ☺️. Here’s a photo we took a few days ago! ~ Rae F.
Winston is such a smart dog and fits right in with the family. He loves our yard, has been to the Nolin Lake and went on his first hike yesterday. He’ll definitely stay busy at our house! I would love for…
Cody and Jazzy ! https://blessedhopekennels.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/jazzie-cody.mp4
Heidi, Atlas and Arrow are wonderful additions to our family. ~Tamala K. June 7, 2020 : Joseph, ….. They are doing great. Their brother, who is with my daughter is also doing great. Thanks, Tammala
Lincoln (Galveston)
Hello, We got Lincoln (originally Galveston) from you in August of last year. He just had his first birthday on May 29th. We wanted to reach out and tell you how perfect he has been. He is a giant goofball,…
Laigh (Charlie)
Hello Hiedi, Just writing to say hi and tell how happy we are with Laigh, now Charlie! We hope you are well! … Please share, so people can see how wonderful of a breeder you are, and how beautiful your…
.. I wanted to send you all and update on Lincoln previously named (pancake). Born December 26. He is AMAZING we are do very please with him!! Thank you so much! He is beautiful and well behaved and eager to…
Grape (Stella)
We have given Grape the name Stella. She is now Stella Rose Breedlove. She is doing so well and has been such a blessing to our family! Potty training is going great! She is about 99% accident free in the…
Bellinda (Ellie)
Hey Joseph, Bellinda, or Ellie for short is doing great! Here is a picture of the big girl celebrating her 1 year birthday! She is so sweet and loving and loves everyone and every animal she meets.
Gunshot (Oslo)
Oslo, previously named Gunshot, is our Golden Mountain Dog (Bernese and Golden Retriever Mix.) He is almost two and weighs 100 pounds. He is mostly black except for the white spot on his chest and toes, he has long and…
Jupiter (Henry)
We love our Henry! He is amazing with our 4 children. He plays hide-n-seek with them, catches frisbees, loves all things that involves a ball, & loves to be with us all the time. We can’t imagine our lives without…
Enrico (Murphy)
2 year update! Murphy (Enrico) is definitely the best dog we’ve ever had!! We wanted to share his birthday picture! He is so smart, loving & well mannered. We are actually thinking of a second one!! June 12, 2018: Hello! I…
She has been an amazing dog and is fitting into our family nicely. I have attached some pictures. Thanks again for everything. ~ Michael H