Our Testimonials
Kind Words from Our Customers
Pixie & Polarberry
I was very happy to see your holiday greetings. Pixie and Polarberry have been wonderful additions to our family and we enjoyed our Christmas together. They are so sweet and everyone stops us to ask about them. We always tell…
Hendrix (Barney)
Happy New Year to you and your family …. Hendrix (aka Barney) is doing great !! Penny has finally accepted that he wasn’t here for just a visit and they run and play and so much fun to watch. He…
Skittles (Paddington)
Hello! Hope the upcoming New Year finds you all well. Skittles (now Paddington) is doing well. Paddington will begin his training in becoming his human brothers service/therapy dog. Paddington has brought us so much joy. ~ Melody M
Gulliver (Rudy)
I wanted to wish you guys Merry Christmas! This is Rudy one year after coming to get him this time last year. He is a great dog! Thanks ~ Brandon W
Angie (Lucy May)
This is Jim …. who bought Angie. She is Lucy May and doing very well! A little spoiled maybe. ~ Jim W.
Missy (Sophie)
We wish you a warm and happy holiday season as well! Sophie (Missy) is doing so well! We adore her and she brings us so much joy. I’ve attached a photo from earlier this summer. She’s still growing! Almost 50…
Geldus (Zazu)
It is great to hear from you! Zazu is doing very well! Here is an updated picture! ~ Amie F
Keven (Willy)
Keven, who the kids now call Willy, is doing great! He is energetic but so sweet. Potty training is coming along very well. He only had two small accidents today! We have been crate training which has been very successful…
Zodi (Raleigh)
Zodi, now Raleigh, from 2013 litter, is a great dog! Merry Christmas! ~ Troy and Lauren W
Hartford (Woodford)
Woodford and Booker (formerly Hartford and Henderson) are growing so fast! They are both super smart! Woodford LOVES playing fetch, he’s my little athlete and Booker loves to learn new things. They turned 4 months last week! ~ Casie H
Golderene (Chelsea)
Chelsea is doing well. She is now 8 years old. She loves the snow. This picture was just taken the other day. Merry Christmas. ~ Christopher G Please find the attached photo of Chelsea, thought I would share an…
Grandie (Napa)
Happy holidays. Grandie (now known as Napa) is such a sweet blessing to our family. We love her so much! ~ Chelsey C
Arlando (Tucker)
He’s doing great! His name is Tucker now and he’s 7 years old. We love him a lot! Merry Christmas to your family! ~ Jessica B
Ethan (Riley)
Hi there and Merry Christmas. We love Riley (Ethan) so much. He is a joy for all of us. He’s grown so big, currently 52 pounds, and adorably mischievous but also so loving. We don’t know what we’d do without…
Well thanks she is doing really good, we did the chip already but thanks for the reminder so happy for Heidi she was really great to work with. ~ Ross M
Politics (Samuel)
hanks for the holiday greetings! Politics (we call him Samuel) is doing great! He’s such a sweet dog and everyone that meets him, falls in love! My husband, who has never liked dogs at all, is now inseparable from Sam – they…
Jarmon (Tucker)
Happy holidays to you all too!!! Jarmon, now “Tucker” will be 3 yrs old in April and has become such a smart and loving dog! He’s such a farm dog & lake dog , we had him learning to swim…
Janna (Chassis)
Merry Christmas to you all! She is doing great and we couldn’t imagine our lives without our sweet girl. She brings so much joy to us and our families and is the perfect dog, not to mention I think she’s…
Ailene (Charley)
Happy Holidays to all of you at Blessed Hope Kennels! Ailene, now named Charley, is doing great and we love her so much! ~ Meghan M
Petrie (Oscar)
Oscar is a wonderful dog – we all love him. Especially our 6 year old Golden, Maggie. They have become best buds. Merry Christmas to you and your family. ~ Gigi M
Parker (Elmer)
Hi Shrocks! Happy holidays! Parker – renamed as Elmer is doing great! We love him and he’s a great addition to our family, he is so smart and already so big for just 8 weeks! Potty training is going okay,…
Mayko (Odo)
Odo formally (Mayko) is doing wonderful! He is adjusting well to his new home. Potty training is going good. He has only had 1 accident in the last 3 days. He is such a smart puppy! He went for his…
Puffball (Emmitt)
Emmitt is doing great. He is a fantastic dog. I work from home now and he’s a good coworker. ~ James R
Hollyna (Molly)
Thank you for checking in on Molly (Hollyna). As soon as we picked her up she became a part of the family. When we brought her home she quickly became acclimated to our house. Potty training went well for the…
Jimmi (Cooper)
Jimmi (aka Cooper) is doing wonderful. He is very smart, rambunctious and beautiful dog. He is definitely our big monster. He is up to a whopping 51lbs. He maybe had a handful of accidents in the house other than that…
Pedro (Bernie)
Pedro, now “Bernie”, is doing fantastic! Potty training is going well and after only four nights he began sleeping through the night. He joined our other dog Izzy, a beagle mix and they bonded immediately. He also gets to spend…
Glen Rose (Kali)
Kali (formerly Glen Rose) is doing great! We love her so much. Potty training is going well. She’s starting to get used to it. She’s been a great addition to our family. She’s adjusting well and is the sweetest pup.…