Shephard (Yoda Sherlock)
Shephard (Yoda Sherlock)

July 19, 2020
Hello, Schrock Family! Shephard, whom we call Yoda Sherlock, is adjusting well. He is totally spoiled and we are loving every minute of it.
….He has loads of fun energy in between his lengthy naps and is already growing by leaps and bounds. Speaking of leap…he loves to leap! He looks like a bunny half the time. It is the cutest thing ever.
Yoda Sherlock’s potty training has been nearly flawless and his crate training has gone great too! He will go to his crate for a nap. He is friendly, sweet and beautiful. We couldn’t be happier!
Our 27 year old son came home to visit and meet Yoda and fell in love. He would like to adopt a goldendoodle himself. He said he prefers the reddish color because it reminds him of his golden retriever from childhood. If you should have one come available from this current litter, please let us know. I understand they are most likely all reserved, but if someone should change their mind, our son, Joel would like one in August.
Thank you so much!
~Kimberly S