Safari (Winston)
Safari (Winston)

January 15, 2017
A quick update on Winston; he is doing fabulous! He has mastered potty training and is doing very well off leash and with basic commands. He loves to play but is not destructive (in fact we don’t even kennel him when we leave him at home). Winston is a very confident guy and loves to explore. He does great with our kids and very well with our cat and shi-tuz. He also loves to play with the big dogs too (my parents have two male Goldens) and loves the water!
Winston is also very handsome! We get compliments on him everywhere we go. Last week at the vet he weighed in at a whopping 30 pounds! He is going to be huge!
We are so thankful and thrilled to have such a wonderful dog in the family! Thank you for all you do.
~ Sarabeth B