Luke (Gus)
Luke (Gus)

April 1, 2012
Hello! Last April my husband and I purchased a goldendoodle from you. His name was Luke and he was 4 months old at the time. We renamed him Gus because it just seemed to fit him! And I thought I would share some pictures with you.
The first one is Gus on the very first night we got him, he was so cute and adorable! He fit right in to our family in no time! The second picture is of Gus and his brothers! Two Austrailian Cattle Dogs. The black one, Brinkley, is 5 years old and the gray one, Jasper, our newest addition to the family has just turned 5 months old. Gus and Jasper are BEST friends. They sleep together, play together, and work together! The next picture is Gus today 🙂 He was JUST certified as an official Therapy Dog! He and I will be visiting local hospitals, schools, and retirement homes to cheer people up! He’s an amazing dog, so gentle, kind, and very playful. He’s gone through six months of obedience training, and is now completely off leash and collar. The last picture is Gus doing what he loves to do best, running free on our farm in Ohio!
We thank you for providing us with such a great dog, he’s an amazing animal and we love him so much, and he’s going to bring a lot of happiness to a lot of people that need it!
Take care,
Amanda & Mike E + Gus 🙂