Forest (Finley)
Forest (Finley)

February 7, 2011
I hope all is well with you all! I just wanted to give you an update on Finley (Forest from Frito s March 2010 liter).
He is now coming up on his first birthday! He is such a joy to be around and is FULL of life! He has completed 4 obedience classes and just this past Wednesday was certified “Canine Good Citizen”! Soon, he will take the TDI test so he will be a certified therapy dog! He is so smart (and knows it) and is always trying to out smart me! He LOVES playing with other dogs and never meets a stranger; human or animal! Finley wants to shake everyone s hand. He is the most loving dog I have ever met and will sit and let any pet his beautiful red, fluffy coat for as long as they want. One of my favorite things about him, other than his sweet personality, is that he does not shed at all! Although Finley is a very active, adventurous dog, he is a wonderful companion.
I would recommend your goldendoodles for anyone that is looking to purchase a puppy.
Allison K