Almanzo (Cody)

February 10, 2014

Hello. Hope all is well with you and the family. Wanted to update you with a recent picture of our pride and joy. As you can see Almonzo (Cody) looks so much like his dad prince. He is now 7 months and every day we love him more and more. Thinking maybe in a sister or a brother for him. 🙂

Feb 11, 2014 Hello. So nice to hear from you. Well I will tell you that he is doing great. He is being potty trained still but coming along. Very smart dog. We love him so much. He has been a blessing to us. There is never a dull moment around the house anymore. He is growing quickly so me are making sure we enjoy our puppy while we can. Here are some pictures for you to see. Blessings to all. We will keep in touch.
